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AI Settings of LiveChatAI

Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations

Human-Agent Handoff Settings in LiveChatAI allow for a seamless transition between the AI chatbot and a human support representative.

If the user is dissatisfied with the AI's response, they can opt to communicate with a human agent.

This feature ensures that customers always have access to satisfactory support.

Additionally, the user can configure specific handoff options, including enabling the labels of various platforms for human handoffs, such as

  • Intercom,
  • WhatsApp,
  • SMS,
  • Telegram,
  • LINE,
  • Messenger.

Default Human-Agent Handoff: LiveChat

  • Status: Active
  • Function: Allows the user to switch from AI to human support if they are unhappy with the AI's response.

When you toggle on the button, you will directly use human support on your AI chatbot.

For more information, you can check How AI Chatbot & Live Chat Works Together?.

the Human support Live Chat settings section on LiveChatAI

Configuring Handoff Options

Message Number (x) Setting:

  • Description: The user can set a specific message number, 'x,' to trigger the human handoff options.
  • How to Configure:

1. Navigate to 'Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations' under Settings.

the Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations dropdown

2. Make sure your status is on. Then, locate the 'Message Number' option on Activate after.

the details of third-party human handoff integrations on LiveChatAI

3. Enter the desired number 'x.'

4. Click 'Save.'

Platform Labels

  • Options: Intercom, WhatsApp, SMS, Telegram, LINE, Messenger.
  • Description: Users can enable the labels of these platforms to offer them as human handoff options.
  • How to Configure:

1. Navigate to 'Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations' under Settings.

the Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations dropdown

2. You need to toggle on and select the desired platforms on the part just under the 'Activate after' section by clicking "Edit."

the platforms of LiveChatAI for Third-Party Human Handoff settings

You can easily delete any unwanted platform by clicking the 'Delete' button.

3. While editing the platform, you can edit the message as well on the 'Routing message' bar.

the Routing message and Update button highlighted under the settings

3. After you choose the target platform and make your arrangements, click 'Update.'

Human Handoff Examples

When the conditions for human handoff are met (such as reaching the set message number or the user explicitly requesting human support), the following options may appear, depending on the configured settings:

  • Talk to our support via Intercom
  • Chat with us on WhatsApp
  • Send us an SMS
  • Connect through Telegram
  • Reach us on LINE
Note: Ensure that the human handoff settings align with your support capabilities and availability across the selected platforms.

For Intercom Human-Agent Handoff Settings

If you choose Intercom as your platform, you can edit your Routing message.

Before considering to include Intercom, you need to ensure that you have a widget that belongs to your business for the arrangements.

Then, that's how you can connect with your visitors with human impact.

the settings of Intercom Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations on LiveChatAI

After arranging the details, you can see your AI chatbot's integration with Intercom. Also, you can see the "Talk with agent" option on the bot.

For WhatsApp Human-Agent Handoff Settings

If you choose WhatsApp as your platform, you can edit your Routing message and add a phone number to contact by choosing your country.

the settings of WhatsApp on Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations on LiveChatAI

For Line Human-Agent Handoff Settings

If you choose Line as your platform, you can edit your Routing message and add Line ID.

the settings of Line on Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations on LiveChatAI

For Messenger Human-Agent Handoff Settings

If you choose Messenger as your platform, you can edit your Routing message and Facebook Page ID.

the settings of Messenger on Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations on LiveChatAI

For SMS Human-Agent Handoff Settings

If you choose SMS as your platform, you can edit your Routing message and add a phone number to contact by choosing your country.

the settings of SMS on Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations on LiveChatAI

For Telegram Human-Agent Handoff Settings

If you choose Telegram as your platform, you can edit your Routing message and add a Telegram username to contact.

the settings of Telegram on Third-Party Human Handoff Integrations on LiveChatAI

If you need more than one platform, you are always available to add it in the following section by clicking the "Add new platform" button.

the button for adding a new platform for third-party human handoff integrations settings of LiveChatAI

Human-Agent Handoff Settings provide flexibility and control over how customers transition from AI to human support within LiveChatAI.

By customizing these settings, businesses can ensure that customers receive support in the most convenient and satisfying way.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.