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Compliance and Security of LiveChatAI

Security Policies

At LiveChatAI, we prioritize the security and privacy of your data.

We employ industry-standard practices to ensure the safe handling and protection of all information that is entrusted to us.

Below, you will find an overview of our security measures.

Is it Secure? (TL;DR)

Yes, LiveChatAI takes extensive measures to keep your data secure, including:

  • Automatic Deletion: Your files are automatically deleted after they've been added to AskAI (uploaded to OpenAI) unless you explicitly instruct us otherwise.
  • Isolated Containers: All uploaded content is stored in isolated containers, ensuring no unauthorized access.
  • Encryption: We encrypt all data at rest (AES-256) and in transit, providing robust protection.
  • Data Usage: Your data is only used to service API calls or for customer support at your explicit request.
  • Storage and Encryption on Pinecone: Your uploaded content and reference content are stored and encrypted on Pinecone, run on Google Cloud Platform, and located in The Dalles, Oregon, USA. More information is available here.

Additional Security Measures:

Vercel Deployment

We use Vercel for deployment, ensuring fast and secure distribution of our application.

Vercel is renowned for its world-class security practices and scalable architecture.

Pinecone for Vector Database

Pinecone serves as our vector database, safeguarding your embedded content with state-of-the-art security protocols.

Its partnership with Google Cloud Platform further emphasizes the security measures in place.

OpenAI for Language Model

We rely on OpenAI for Language Model (LLM), adhering to OpenAI's stringent security guidelines, to guarantee that your data is handled with utmost care and confidentiality.

AWS Frankfurt Servers

All our servers are hosted on AWS in Frankfurt, complying with rigorous data protection regulations and international standards.

AWS's commitment to security is well recognized, and we leverage its extensive capabilities to fortify our infrastructure.

Regular Security Audits and Compliance

LiveChatAI undergoes regular security audits, including third-party assessments, to continually evaluate and enhance our security posture.

We are committed to compliance with relevant regulations and industry best practices.

Security is at the core of everything we do at LiveChatAI. By adopting robust and proven security measures, we aim to provide a secure environment for our users and their data.

We continuously monitor, evaluate, and update our security practices to align with evolving threats and technological advancements.

Should you have any specific questions or need further information regarding our security practices, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

We are here to assist you and ensure that you can confidently use LiveChatAI with peace of mind.