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Compliance and Security of LiveChatAI

Legal FAQ

How does LiveChatAI protect my personal data?

LiveChatAI is committed to protecting your privacy. We use advanced encryption and security measures to ensure that your data is safe. We comply with GDPR and other data protection regulations. Your data is never shared with third parties without your consent.

What are the terms of service for using LiveChatAI?

Our terms of service outline the rules and guidelines for using our platform. These include your rights as a user, our liability limitations, and the acceptable use policy. We recommend reading these terms carefully before using our service.

How will I be informed of changes to the service or terms?

We notify our users of any significant changes to our service or terms via email or direct notifications on our platform. We recommend keeping your contact information up to date to ensure you receive these updates.

How can I report misuse or abuse on LiveChatAI?

If you encounter misuse or abuse on our platform, please report it to us immediately by contacting our support team. We take these reports seriously and will take appropriate action to address the issue.