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Compliance and Security of LiveChatAI

GDPR Policy

At LiveChatAI, we are committed to adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles. We value your privacy and have implemented practices to ensure the responsible handling of your data. Here's how we meet the core principles of GDPR as outlined by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO): GDPR Principles.

Transparent, Fair, and Lawful Processing

  • Transparency: We clearly outline how we process your content, where it's stored, and who has access to it.
  • Compliance with Local Laws: We follow local laws concerning personal data storage and processing.

Data Minimization and Purpose Limitation

  • Essential Data Collection: We only collect data necessary for our service and your use of My AskAI.
  • Third-Party Sharing: We don’t share your data with any third party that isn't core to our service. Partners include Pinecone (secure data storage for uploads), OpenAI (AI models for content processing), and Google Analytics (service improvement).
  • Anonymization: Data is kept only as long as you wish, and we anonymize it wherever possible.

Accuracy and Ease of Access

  • Data Accuracy: We strive to keep all your data up to date.
  • Ease of Access: We have streamlined processes to help you easily update, amend, or remove any data we hold about you or your account.

Data Retention and Deletion

  • Retention Policy: We retain information about you and your account until you request deletion, keeping it only as long as you’re actively using our service.
  • Deletion Requests: If you wish to export or delete any data about you, please email us, and we will promptly comply.

Security Measures

  • Encryption: We employ bank-grade encryption for all data storage and use the latest security standards for data in transit (e.g., during an API call).
  • Access Controls: We have robust access and authorization controls to ensure that only you can access your data and have control over who else can access it.

LiveChatAI takes GDPR compliance seriously, and we are dedicated to handling your data with utmost respect and responsibility. Our practices are in line with the core principles of the regulation, ensuring the protection of your personal information.