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FAQ of LiveChatAI

FAQ About Importing Content

1. How does LiveChatAI import content from my website?

LiveChatAI crawls your website to import content. If you enter your domain, it will attempt to crawl all the pages, or you can specify a sub-path or subdomain to crawl only specific sections

2. Can I exclude certain pages from being crawled?

Yes, after crawling, LiveChatAI will list all the pages it has found. You can delete some pages to exclude them from the import process.

3. What type of content can I import into LiveChatAI?

You can import content from your entire website or help center, custom text content, PDFs, and questions and answers. You have full control over what you want to import.

4. How can I add content through a sitemap?

You can submit a sitemap, and LiveChatAI will only crawl and get content from the URLs provided in your sitemap.

5. How long does it take to import content into LiveChatAI?

The import time can vary depending on the amount and complexity of the content. On average, it takes 5 minutes to import. LiveChatAI is designed to handle content scraping efficiently, and you'll be able to review and train the content after the import.

6. Is my content safe during the import process?

Yes, LiveChatAI adheres to strict security policies to ensure that your content is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality during the import process.

7. Can I update or modify the content once it's imported?

Yes, LiveChatAI offers options to remove and add any data you've imported. You have full control over your content.

8. How does LiveChatAI use the imported content?

LiveChatAI uses the imported content to train the AI chatbot, ensuring that every answer it gives is based on your company's support content and guidelines. The more relevant content you provide, the more accurate and effective the AI chatbot becomes.

9. Do I need to manually select content for import?

You can specify what you want to import, or you can allow LiveChatAI to crawl all available content. The choice is yours, and you'll have the opportunity to review and modify the selection before training the AI.

10. Can I import content from multiple sources?

Yes, LiveChatAI can handle content from various sources, including websites, help centers, custom text, PDFs, and more.